JFC Summer Volleyball Camp 2024

We are partnering with Lake Center Christian HS head coach, Hannah Miller, and her team, to put on TWO volleyball camps here this summer at Jackson Friends Church. These will be three day CO-ED camps running Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, for 1.5 hours each day.

This camp will focus on FUNdamentals of volleyball. Athletes will learn the basic foundational skills for passing, setting, serving and attacking. In addition, athletes will get the opportunity to compete in games for skills and in team play. We will split up the participants into two groups, 3rd – 5th grade and 6th – 8th grade.

Registration Cost: $55

June 24 - 26, 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

July 29 - 31, 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM